I'm trying to get node-http-proxy with socket.io to work, but it always falls back to xhr, websockets won't work, although I'm connecting to the upgrade event as described in the node-http-proxy docs.
var httpProxy = require ("http-proxy");
var server = httpProxy.createServer (function (req, res, proxy) {
var buffer = httpProxy.buffer (req);
proxy.proxyRequest (req, res, {
host : "localhost",
port : 8001,
buffer : buffer
server.listen (80);
server.on('upgrade', function (req, socket, head) {
server.proxy.proxyWebSocketRequest(req, socket, head, { host : "localhost", port : 8001 });
The app obviously runs on localhost:8001 and if I allow all transport methods it will work fine as it uses xhrs. If I force it to use websockets firefox will say
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at ws://localhost/socket.io/1/websocket/cNp5J80KAWkXqjE6OZOt. @ http://localhost/socket.io/socket.io.js:2371
Just using the default method
httpProxy.createServer (8001, "localhost").listen (80);
results in the same error.
Proxying websockets with node-http-proxy seems to be broken on Node 0.10. Here's a pull request that tries to fix it, but see my comments: the fix doesn't fully work either.