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How to view your translated site?

I am trying to view my site in japanese. I have create the translations and compiled them with compilemessages.

In my I have

urlpatterns = i18n_patterns('',


#Used for translations
gettext = lambda s: s
    ('en', gettext('English')),
    ('jp', gettext('Japanese')),    

But when I try to access a url with /jp/ at the start I get that there is only /en/

Using the URLconf defined in PLP.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:


The current URL, jp/accounts/login, didn't match any of these.

I am using dbgettext so I also have my database content translated in my messages.

But how can I display it

   {% trans "Question:" %}{% trans {{question.question}} %}<br>

Could not parse the remainder: '{{question.question}}' from '{{question.question}}'


Thanks Ngenator!

My other issue was that Japanese is 'ja' not 'jp'


  • Well the {% trans %} tag takes a variable directly, so you don't need those extra braces, just

    {% trans "Question:" %}{% trans question.question %}<br>

    or using the {% blocktrans %} tag

    {% blocktrans %}Question: {{ question.question }}{% endblocktrans %}

    should work. I'm not sure about the url issues though.