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Communicating with Windows7 Display API

I have yet failed to find a decent(ANYTHING really) pinvoke wrapper around new win7 CCD api. The api can be found itself from here:

I've spend few hours converting structures/method calls, so that I could use it from C#.

Here is the first "draft":

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

    /// <summary>
    /// This class takes care of wrapping "Connecting and Configuring Displays(CCD) Win32 API"
    /// Author Erti-Chris Eelmaa || easter199 at hotmail dot com
    /// </summary>
    public class CCDWrapper
        public struct LUID
            public uint LowPart;
            public uint HighPart;

        public enum DisplayConfigVideoOutputTechnology : uint
            Other = 4294967295, // -1
            Hd15 = 0,
            Svideo = 1,
            CompositeVideo = 2,
            ComponentVideo = 3,
            Dvi = 4,
            Hdmi = 5,
            Lvds = 6,
            DJpn = 8,
            Sdi = 9,
            DisplayportExternal = 10,
            DisplayportEmbedded = 11,
            UdiExternal = 12,
            UdiEmbedded = 13,
            Sdtvdongle = 14,
            Internal = 0x80000000,
            ForceUint32 = 0xFFFFFFFF

        #region SdcFlags enum

        public enum SdcFlags : uint
            Zero = 0,

            TopologyInternal = 0x00000001,
            TopologyClone = 0x00000002,
            TopologyExtend = 0x00000004,
            TopologyExternal = 0x00000008,
            TopologySupplied = 0x00000010,

            UseSuppliedDisplayConfig = 0x00000020,
            Validate = 0x00000040,
            Apply = 0x00000080,
            NoOptimization = 0x00000100,
            SaveToDatabase = 0x00000200,
            AllowChanges = 0x00000400,
            PathPersistIfRequired = 0x00000800,
            ForceModeEnumeration = 0x00001000,
            AllowPathOrderChanges = 0x00002000,

            UseDatabaseCurrent = TopologyInternal | TopologyClone | TopologyExtend | TopologyExternal

        public enum DisplayConfigFlags : uint
            Zero = 0x0,
            PathActive = 0x00000001

        public enum DisplayConfigSourceStatus
            Zero = 0x0,
            InUse = 0x00000001

        public enum DisplayConfigTargetStatus : uint
            Zero = 0x0,

            InUse                         = 0x00000001,
            FORCIBLE                       = 0x00000002,
            ForcedAvailabilityBoot       = 0x00000004,
            ForcedAvailabilityPath       = 0x00000008,
            ForcedAvailabilitySystem     = 0x00000010,

        public enum DisplayConfigRotation : uint
            Zero = 0x0,

            Identity = 1,
            Rotate90 = 2,
            Rotate180 = 3,
            Rotate270 = 4,
            ForceUint32 = 0xFFFFFFFF

        public enum DisplayConfigPixelFormat : uint
            Zero = 0x0,

            Pixelformat8Bpp = 1,
            Pixelformat16Bpp = 2,
            Pixelformat24Bpp = 3,
            Pixelformat32Bpp = 4,
            PixelformatNongdi = 5,
            PixelformatForceUint32 = 0xffffffff

        public enum DisplayConfigScaling : uint
            Zero = 0x0, 

            Identity = 1,
            Centered = 2,
            Stretched = 3,
            Aspectratiocenteredmax = 4,
            Custom = 5,
            Preferred = 128,
            ForceUint32 = 0xFFFFFFFF

        public struct DisplayConfigRational
            public uint numerator;
            public uint denominator;

        public enum DisplayConfigScanLineOrdering : uint
            Unspecified = 0,
            Progressive = 1,
            Interlaced = 2,
            InterlacedUpperfieldfirst = Interlaced,
            InterlacedLowerfieldfirst = 3,
            ForceUint32 = 0xFFFFFFFF

        public struct DisplayConfigPathInfo
            public DisplayConfigPathSourceInfo sourceInfo;
            public DisplayConfigPathTargetInfo targetInfo;
            public uint flags;

        public enum DisplayConfigModeInfoType : uint
            Zero = 0,

            Source = 1,
            Target = 2,
            ForceUint32 = 0xFFFFFFFF

        public struct DisplayConfigModeInfo
            public DisplayConfigModeInfoType infoType;

            public uint id;

            public LUID adapterId;

            public DisplayConfigTargetMode targetMode;

            public DisplayConfigSourceMode sourceMode;

        public struct DisplayConfig2DRegion
            public uint cx;
            public uint cy;

        public enum D3DmdtVideoSignalStandard : uint
            Uninitialized = 0,
            VesaDmt = 1,
            VesaGtf = 2,
            VesaCvt = 3,
            Ibm = 4,
            Apple = 5,
            NtscM = 6,
            NtscJ = 7,
            Ntsc443 = 8,
            PalB = 9,
            PalB1 = 10,
            PalG = 11,
            PalH = 12,
            PalI = 13,
            PalD = 14,
            PalN = 15,
            PalNc = 16,
            SecamB = 17,
            SecamD = 18,
            SecamG = 19,
            SecamH = 20,
            SecamK = 21,
            SecamK1 = 22,
            SecamL = 23,
            SecamL1 = 24,
            Eia861 = 25,
            Eia861A = 26,
            Eia861B = 27,
            PalK = 28,
            PalK1 = 29,
            PalL = 30,
            PalM = 31,
            Other = 255

        public struct DisplayConfigVideoSignalInfo
            public long pixelRate;
            public DisplayConfigRational hSyncFreq;
            public DisplayConfigRational vSyncFreq;
            public DisplayConfig2DRegion activeSize;
            public DisplayConfig2DRegion totalSize;

            public D3DmdtVideoSignalStandard videoStandard;
            public DisplayConfigScanLineOrdering ScanLineOrdering;

        public struct DisplayConfigTargetMode
            public DisplayConfigVideoSignalInfo targetVideoSignalInfo;

        public struct PointL
            public int x;
            public int y;

        public struct DisplayConfigSourceMode
            public uint width;
            public uint height;
            public DisplayConfigPixelFormat pixelFormat;
            public PointL position;

        public struct DisplayConfigPathSourceInfo
            public LUID adapterId;
            public uint id;
            public uint modeInfoIdx;

            public DisplayConfigSourceStatus statusFlags;

        public struct DisplayConfigPathTargetInfo
            public LUID adapterId;
            public uint id;
            public uint modeInfoIdx;
            public DisplayConfigVideoOutputTechnology outputTechnology; 
            public DisplayConfigRotation rotation;
            public DisplayConfigScaling scaling;
            public DisplayConfigRational refreshRate;
            public DisplayConfigScanLineOrdering scanLineOrdering;

            public bool targetAvailable;
            public DisplayConfigTargetStatus statusFlags;

        public enum QueryDisplayFlags : uint
            Zero = 0x0,

            AllPaths = 0x00000001,
            OnlyActivePaths = 0x00000002,
            DatabaseCurrent = 0x00000004

        public enum DisplayConfigTopologyId : uint
            Zero = 0x0,

            Internal = 0x00000001,
            Clone = 0x00000002,
            Extend = 0x00000004,
            External = 0x00000008,
            ForceUint32 = 0xFFFFFFFF


        public static extern int SetDisplayConfig(uint numPathArrayElements, out DisplayConfigPathInfo pathArray,
                                                  uint numModeInfoArrayElements, out DisplayConfigModeInfo modeInfoArray,
                                                  SdcFlags flags);

        public static extern int QueryDisplayConfig(QueryDisplayFlags flags, ref int numPathArrayElements,
                                                ref DisplayConfigPathInfo[] pathInfoArray, 
                                                ref int modeInfoArrayElements,
                                                ref DisplayConfigModeInfo[] modeInfoArray,
                                                IntPtr z);

        public static extern int GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes(QueryDisplayFlags flags, out int numPathArrayElements, out int numModeInfoArrayElements);

I am almost done, and when it's finished, I will send it to There is a problem right now, namely when I call QueryDisplayConfig(), null-reference exception will be thrown, that doesn't tell me anything at all. I've spent few hours rechecking everything, from back to forward, from forward to back.

Here is the actual code usage:

static void Main(string[] args)
    int numPathArrayElements;
    int numModeInfoArrayElements;

    // query active paths from the current computer.
    if (CCDWrapper.GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes(CCDWrapper.QueryDisplayFlags.OnlyActivePaths, out numPathArrayElements,
                                                   out numModeInfoArrayElements) == 0)
        // 0 is success.
        var pathInfoArray = new CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigPathInfo[numPathArrayElements];
        var modeInfoArray = new CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigModeInfo[numModeInfoArrayElements];
        CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigTopologyId currentTopologyId; // don't use it right now.

        var first = Marshal.SizeOf(new CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigPathInfo());
        var second = Marshal.SizeOf(new CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigModeInfo());

        var status = CCDWrapper.QueryDisplayConfig(CCDWrapper.QueryDisplayFlags.OnlyActivePaths,
                                ref numPathArrayElements, ref pathInfoArray, ref numModeInfoArrayElements, 
                                ref modeInfoArray, IntPtr.Zero);


Note that structure sizes should be proper:

var first = Marshal.SizeOf(new CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigPathInfo());
var second = Marshal.SizeOf(new CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigModeInfo());

first => 72, second => 64,

and when I check it from C++:

int first = sizeof(DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO);
int second = sizeof(DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO);

it gives me the same result.


  • Your handling of the arrays in SetDisplayConfig and QueryDisplayConfig declarations are wrong. Try these changes:

    public static extern int SetDisplayConfig(
        uint numPathArrayElements, 
        [In] DisplayConfigPathInfo[] pathArray,
        uint numModeInfoArrayElements, 
        [In] DisplayConfigModeInfo[] modeInfoArray,
        SdcFlags flags
    public static extern int QueryDisplayConfig(
        QueryDisplayFlags flags, 
        ref int numPathArrayElements,
        [Out] DisplayConfigPathInfo[] pathInfoArray, 
        ref int modeInfoArrayElements,
        [Out] DisplayConfigModeInfo[] modeInfoArray,
        IntPtr z