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compass mixin in partial: undefined

In my app.scss I import compass like this:

@import "compass/css3";

and I can use all the mixins in app.scss

But when I import a partial:

@import "structure";

and I want to use a mixins inside stucture.scss (e.g. @include border-radius(4px);) I get the following error:

error structure.scss (Line 544: Undefined mixin 'border-radius'.)


app.scss contents:

@import "compass/css3";
@import "structure";

// other scss code 

.promo-front img {
    @include border-radius(4px);

structure.scss contents:

// other scss code 

// this generates error structure.scss (Line 544: Undefined mixin 'border-radius'.)
.main-container {
    @include border-radius(4px); 

What do I do wrong?

thanks in adavance!


  • ok, I needed to rename structure.scss to _structure.scss to be properly recognized as a partial.