I'm using ROS with C++ and after receiving data from a topic in void callback(), I need to pass this data to a variable in int main(). What I've found out so far is that I can do it using a boost shared pointer and should use a "class in the program with callback as member function". Part of my code so far:
double pos_z;
void callback(gazebo_msgs::LinkStates msgs_ls)
double pos_z = msgs_ls.pose[43].position.z
pos_z = pos_z + 1;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
ros::Nodehandle n;
ros::Subscriber ls_sub = n.subscribe("/gazebo/link_states", 10, callback);
ros::ServiceClient sls_client = n.serviceClient<gazebo_msgs::SetLinkState>("/gazebo/set_link_state");
gazebo_msgs::SetLinkState setLinkState;
while (ros::ok))
setLinkState.request.link_state.position.z = pos_z;
About the shared pointer: this could be boost::shared_ptr<double> a_ptr(&a, noop_delete
with auto noop_delete = [](double *){}
but I don't really understand how to implement this. Also the mentioned class with callback as member function is unclear to me. Examples show implementations using C, and I don't know if I can use that.
Thank you for any help.
The advice you were given is good :
use a "class in the program with callback as member function"
You do it like that :
class SuperCoolRobot {
SuperCoolRobot ():pos_z(0) {
// Note : we provide the callback (a member) + a state (this)
ls_sub = n.subscribe("/gazebo/link_states", 10, SuperCoolRobot::link_state_callback, this);
void link_state_callback(gazebo_msgs::LinkStates msgs_ls) {
pos_z = msgs_ls.pose[43].position.z + 1;
void run() {
gazebo_msgs::SetLinkState setLinkState;
while (ros::ok))
setLinkState.request.link_state.position.z = pos_z;
// state here
ros::Nodehandle n;
ros::Subscriber ls_sub;
double pos_z;
Then the main :
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
SuperCoolRobot robot;
Note that I don't know ROS so I just threw what I understood from your code. Ajust it of course.