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How can you Mock an Interface with Spring's DI Container without registering the Class Type?

I am trying to decouple existing code to be able to unit test it. I have introduced interfaces to remove the dependency on UI objects.The problem is that the Spring container's RegisterComponent < T > call requires a TComponentType parameter, so I cannot call RegisterComponent< IMyProgressBar > I have to call RegisterType < TMyProgressBar >.Implements < IMyProgressBar > which means I have to use the unit containing the progressbar class definition in DUnit which defeats the purpose of using the DIContainer in concert with the ServiceLocater to ask for a progressbar whenever I need one.

I don't want to have to create mock classes and implement the interfaces manually. Is there a way to use Delphi.Mocks to automatically mock an interface without specifying the implementing class?


  • You apparently do not use the latest version of Spring4D as this feature has been implemented last november (see the update in

    Currently there is no auto mocking of the container but I like the idea and will look into implementing something that makes this easier (possibly by improving the container extension).

    At the moment a test case method would look like this (using DSharp mocks syntax):

    procedure TMyTestCase.TestSomething;
      progressBarMock: Mock<IProgressBar>;
      sut: TTestComponent;
        function: IProgressBar
          Result := progressBarMock;
      // mock setup
      sut := container.Resolve<TTestComponent>;
      // perform test

    Anyway I highly suggest writing unit tests without the use of a DI container.

    If your SUT has many dependencies making the use of the container appealing that is often a sign of violating certain design principles.