I got an error with grails query. I had class User:
class User {
String username
String passwordHash
static hasMany = [roles: Role, permissions: String, clients: User, owners: User]
When i do query:
def addClient() {
def principal = SecurityUtils.subject?.principal
User currentUser = User.findByUsername(principal);
if (request.method == 'GET') {
User user = new User()
[client: currentUser, clientCount: User.countByOwners(currentUser)]
Grails say that:
Parameter "#1" is not set; SQL statement: select count(*) as y0_ from user this_ where this_.id=? [90012-164]
Looks like currentUser
is null
BTW, I wonder, why you count by owners, but specify a user as the owners? According to your hasMany
definition, owners
is a collection.