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assembly masm can not figure out how to do a if not less then statement

how in assembly masm do you do a if not less then statement

I have this code in

 If Not variable1 < variable2 Then
                count += 1
            End If

If Not variable1 < variable3 Then
                count += 1
            End If

for this code count = 1

I tried all the below code and it does not work. it either gives me count = 2 at the end or count = 0 at the end. it should give me count = 1

here is the code for assembly masm


variable1        dd ?
variable2       dd ?
variable3       dd ?

this is what is suppose to happen. I read from a text file 3 values they are 500,109,500 they get stored into the 3 variables so

variable1 = 500
variable2 = 109
variable3 = 506

then I need to list these in order from least to greatest so I tried to compare these.

I tried all of these variations and none of them worked

    mov esi, offset variable1
    mov ecx, offset variable2

    .if esi > ecx
    inc count

 mov ecx, offset variable3

.if esi > ecx
    inc count

    .if variable1 > offset variable2
        inc count

.if variable1 > offset variable3
        inc count

 mov esi, offset variable1
        mov ecx, offset variable2

    cmp esi,ecx
    JB n2
    inc count

mov ecx, offset variable3

    cmp esi,ecx
    JB n3
    inc count

    mov esi, offset variable1
        mov ecx, offset variable2

    cmp esi,ecx
    JG n3
    inc count

mov ecx, offset variable3

    cmp esi,ecx
    JG n4
    inc count

mov esi, [variable1]
mov ecx, [variable2]
cmp esi, ecx
ja n1
inc Level3DNS1rank

mov ecx, [variable3]
cmp esi, ecx
ja n2
inc Level3DNS1rank

how can i convert the above code into masm assembly

thank you


here is the answer to these 2 questions

what I needed to do was convert the string to an integer. I used this code to do that invoke atodw,ADDR variable1 for the if not in assembly I just changed if not variable1 < variable2 to if variable1 > variable2


  • Perhaps:

    mov esi, [variable1]
    mov ecx, [variable2]
    cmp esi, ecx
    jge n2


    Aha. I see the problem now. You have:

    variable1        db "500",0
    variable2       db "109",0
    variable3       db "506",0

    That gets stored in memory as (the hex bytes):

    variable1  35 30 30 00
    variable2  31 30 39 00
    variable3  35 30 36 00

    But when you load a register from memory, it loads it little-endian. So when you have:

    mov esi, [variable1]
    mov ecx, [variable2]

    The contents of esi is 00303035, and ecx is 00393031. And the last value is loaded as 00363035.

    You're trying to load a string of characters as an unsigned 32-bit value. Are you really wanting to compare strings?