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Using Proguard on App Engine Connected Android Client

I'm getting close to putting my app up on the Google Play store and I'm trying to obfuscate with Proguard. It uses GAE and the RequestFactory and I'm getting the 'RequestFactory Validation Tool must be run for...' exception. Seen a few posts on this, and a few answers but nothing definitive and nothing that works for me. I understand the reflection/symbolic issues and have excluded the RequestFactory interface from obfuscation but to no avail. Can someone provide a simplified working example of what should go into the proguard config file to get through this successfully.



  • I can't find a description of what the RequestFactory Validation Tool does internally, but chances are that it has added annotations. ProGuard's obfuscation step removes those by default, but you can keep them:

    -keepattributes *Annotation*