I noted that:
Vim with admin rights can only open files from program with admin rights.
Vim without admin rights can only open files from programs without admin rights.
This makes it that I often have two windows of more of vim open with different rights.
I often don't know if the one I use has admin rights or not.
Is it possible to check if a vim window has admin rights or not?
I would like to add the admin status to the statusline, something like this:
function! CheckAdminMode()
if &admin | return 'Admin' | else | return '' | endif
set statusline+=%*\ %{&admin}
Is this possible?
If you know a shell command you can use system()
. E.g. for most home linux setups
if system('echo $EUID') == 0 " Implicit type cast, string->int for left operand
return 'Root'
return ''
is normally a shell special variable not present in exported environment thus using if $EUID == 0
is not possible) or, faster,
py import os
return (pyeval('os.geteuid()') == 0) ? 'Root' : ''
. As you are asking for admin and not root I assume you are not on linux, thus I can’t help you with the command to check. You can always use indirect check: test whether you have right to write to some directory writeable only for administrators:
" filewritable() reports 2 for writable directories which is also true
return filewritable('C:\Windows\System32') ? 'Admin' : ''