In my Project I have done 90% development using XCode 4.2 (was only need to support 4.x,5.x), Now I need to Build for iOS 6 as well, so I switched to Xcode 4.5 & iOS 6. But I am facing lots of issues like framework error for "Sqlite3", "MobileCoreServices"
I have read below Thread but no success.
How to make Xcode 4.5 project work on previous version of Xcode?
Xcode linker Directory not found for option
Can anyone please tell me How can I compile "Sqlite3", "MobileCoreServices" frame work for ARMV7 & ARMV7S. I cant remove both from project, Since I have done almost :(
There are uncertainties for the exact reason behind this but your problem can be solved by any of the cases provided below.
Case 1 :
It may be due to any missing library like libsqlite3.dylib and libsqlite3.0.dylib or MobileCoreServices, so copy these files from any other computer and place these files in your computer.
1:Open xcode on the computer where these files exists, add libsqlite3.0.dylib in your project from link binary with libraries. 2: Right click on the libsqlite3.0.dylib and show in finder (same for MobileCoreServices). 3: Copy two files libsqlite3.0.dylib and libsqlite3.dylib and place on the same location on other computer where these files are missing.
Here you go, The problem may be solved in this way.
Case 2: Reinstall XCode again it may work properly
Case 3: Check this answer
Hope it helps you.