Search code examples

Update Opportunity with Site From

I don't know why, but my site is not updating my opportunity when I go to it and try and update a "survey" we send.

The data populates on the page correctly just doesn't get sent to the opportunity on submission.

Here's the controller I am using:

public class OpptyCont {
public Opportunity opportunity{ get
        opportunity = [SELECT Id, Name ,X1__c,X2__c,X3__c,X4__c,X5__c,X6__c,X7__c,X8__c,X9__c FROM Opportunity
                WHERE Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id')];
        return opportunity;

    public OpptyCont() {

     public PageReference save() {
           update opportunity;
        }catch(System.DMLException e) {
            return null;
        return null;


Here's the Apex Page:

     <apex:page Controller="OpptyCont" showHeader="false" sidebar="false">

       <apex:pageBlock title="Survey Questions for {!Opportunity.Name}">
      <b>Please fill out the following Questions:</b>
    <apex:form >
    <b>1.</b><apex:outputField value="{!Opportunity.X1__c}"/>
    <apex:inputTextarea label="{!Opportunity.X1__c}" value="{!Opportunity.X1__c}" id="X1__c" style="width:80%" />
   <b> 2.</b><apex:outputField value="{!Opportunity.X2__c}"/><br></br>
    <apex:inputTextarea label="{!Opportunity.X2__c}" value="{!Opportunity.X2__c}"    id="X2__c" style="width:80%" />
    <b>3.</b><apex:outputField value="{!Opportunity.X3__c}"/><br></br>
    <apex:inputTextarea label="{!Opportunity.X3__c}" value="{!Opportunity.X3__c}" id="X3__c" style="width:80%" />
    <b>4.</b><apex:outputField value="{!Opportunity.X4__c}"/><br></br>
    <apex:inputTextarea label="{!Opportunity.X4__c}" value="{!Opportunity.X4__c}"    id="X4__c" style="width:80%" />
    <b>5.</b><apex:outputField value="{!Opportunity.X5__c}"/><br></br>
    <apex:inputTextarea label="{!Opportunity.X5__c}" value="{!Opportunity.X5__c}" id="X5__c" style="width:80%" />
    <b>6.</b><apex:outputField value="{!Opportunity.X6__c}"/><br></br>
    <apex:inputTextarea label="{!Opportunity.X6__c}" value="{!Opportunity.X6__c}" id="X6__c" style="width:80%" />
    <b>7.</b><apex:outputField value="{!Opportunity.X7__c}"/><br></br>
    <apex:inputTextarea label="{!Opportunity.X7__c}" value="{!Opportunity.X7__c}" id="X7__c" style="width:80%" />
     <b>8.</b><apex:outputField value="{!Opportunity.X8__c}"/><br></br>
     <apex:inputTextarea label="{!Opportunity.X8__c}" id="X8__c" style="width:80%" />

    <apex:commandButton value="Submit" action="{!save}" />

If you can point me in the right direction that would be great.


  • SF does not allow you to edit or update records on standard objects(Account, Opportunity, Lead, Etc). You need to create a custom object that will hold the data and create a trigger that will update the data on your standard object.

    You can only insert a new record on a standard object.