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error-page configuration in web.xml transforms the HTTP code returned in case of 404

I work on a JSF application powered by Tomcat 7.0.35. I would like to create a custom error page and have therefore played with the <error-page> tag in the web.xml configuration file.


It seems to work in the sense that in case of a 404, the page returned has the correct HTTP body. However the HTTP return code is 200. The expected 404 was correctly received when <error-page> was not configured.

The same soft-404 problem happens if <error-code> is not specified.


I am looking for a way to configure this error page without losing the error code.

Two more pieces of information that might be useful :

  • The JSF project stage is Production
  • Pretty URLs are being handled by Pretty Faces 3.3.3 with the following

    @Named(value = "error")
    @URLMappings(mappings = {
        @URLMapping(id = "error", pattern = "/error", viewId = "/faces/error.xhtml")})
    public class ErrorController implements Serializable {


  • Sometimes containers do not seem to behave very nicely when you have an Error page handled by a servlet filter. In this case it looks like you probably have mapped "/error" with PrettyFaces, and are forwarding that internally to another resource. (PrettyFaces works with Servlet forwards)

    I believe what occurs here, is the container sees that new Forward, forgets that it was actually showing an error page, and sends a 200 status because the Forwarded request was successful.

    What you will need to do to resolve this, is add an <action>#{bean.send404}</action> that sets the 404 status in your error page prettyfaces mapping.

       <pattern value="/error" />
       <view-id="/faces/error.xhtml" />

    Then your bean method will need to get a hold of the HttpServletResponse, which ou can usually get from the FacesContext:

    HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse)FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()

    That should do the trick for you.