I am developing my own skiplist template class. Below are its specifications: Iterator
class holds copy of individual skip list. The Head and Tail Iterators are always empty and tail iterator has its value of tail set to TRUE
class RandomHeight
RandomHeight(int maxLvl, float prob);
~RandomHeight() {}
int newLevel(void);
int maxLevel;
float probability;
(int maxLvl, float prob)
srand (time(NULL));
maxLevel = maxLvl;
probability = prob;
int RandomHeight::newLevel(void)
int tmpLvl = 1;
// Develop a random number between 1 and
// maxLvl (node height).
while ((((rand()%1000000)*1.0/1000000) < probability) &&
(tmpLvl < maxLevel))
return tmpLvl;
template <typename Key_T, typename Mapped_T, size_t MaxLevel> class SkipList;
template <typename Key, typename Obj>
class Iterator
typedef std::pair<Key, Obj> ValueType;
template <typename Key1, typename Obj1, size_t MaxLevel1> friend class SkipList;
// Iterator(const Iterator &);
//virtual Iterator& operator=(const Iterator &);
Iterator &operator++();
Iterator operator++(int);
//virtual ValueType &operator*() const;
//virtual ValueType *operator->() const;
Iterator(Key, Obj, int,bool);
Key getKey(void) {return key;};
Obj getObj(void) {return obj;};
int getHgt(void) {return nodeHeight;};
bool isTail(void) {return tail;};
int nodeHeight;
Key key;
Obj obj;
bool tail; // holds non null value
Iterator<Key,Obj>** fwdNodes;
template <typename Key, typename Obj>
delete [] fwdNodes;
template <typename Key, typename Obj>
Iterator<Key,Obj>::Iterator(Key k,Obj o, int h,bool t = false) : nodeHeight (h) , key (k) , obj (o) , tail(t)
fwdNodes = new Iterator<Key,Obj>* [h+1];
for ( int x = 1; x <= nodeHeight; x++ )
fwdNodes[x] = (Iterator<Key,Obj>*) NULL;
template <typename Key, typename Obj>
Iterator<Key,Obj>::Iterator(int h,bool t = false) : nodeHeight (h) , key ((Key) NULL) , obj ((Obj) NULL) , tail(t)
fwdNodes = new Iterator<Key,Obj>* [h+1];
for ( int x = 1; x <= nodeHeight; x++ )
fwdNodes[x] = (Iterator<Key,Obj>*) NULL;
template <typename Key_T, typename Mapped_T, size_t MaxLevel = 5>
class SkipList
typedef std::pair<Key_T, Mapped_T> ValueType;
SkipList(const SkipList &);
SkipList &operator=(const SkipList &);
size_t size() const;
Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T> begin();
Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T> end();
//ConstIterator begin() const;
//ConstIterator end() const;
//virtual void clear();
std::pair<Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>, bool> insert(const ValueType &);
template <typename IT_T>
void insert(IT_T range_beg, IT_T range_end);
void erase(Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T> pos);
//virtual void erase(Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T> range_beg, Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T> range_end);
Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>* head;
Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>* tail;
float probability;
size_t maxHeight;
size_t curHeight;
RandomHeight* randGen;
template <typename Key_T, typename Mapped_T, size_t MaxLevel>
SkipList<Key_T,Mapped_T,MaxLevel>::SkipList() : curHeight (1), maxHeight(MaxLevel) , probability (1.0/MaxLevel)
randGen = new RandomHeight(MaxLevel,probability);
// Create head and tail and attach them
head = new Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T> (maxHeight);
tail = new Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T> (maxHeight,true);
for ( int x = 1; x <= maxHeight; x++ )
head->fwdNodes[x] = tail;
template <typename Key_T, typename Mapped_T, size_t MaxLevel>
// Walk 0 level nodes and delete all
Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>* tmp;
Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>* nxt;
tmp = head;
while ( tmp )
nxt = tmp->fwdNodes[1];
delete tmp;
tmp = nxt;
delete randGen;
My problem is in the below insert function:
template <typename Key_T, typename Mapped_T, size_t MaxLevel>
std::pair<Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>, bool> SkipList<Key_T,Mapped_T,MaxLevel>::insert(const ValueType &input)
Key_T k = input.first;
Mapped_T o = input.second;
int lvl = 0, h = 0;
Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>** updateVec = new Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>* [maxHeight+1];
Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>* tmp = head;
Key_T cmpKey;
// Figure out where new node goes
for ( h = curHeight; h >= 1; h-- )
cmpKey = tmp->fwdNodes[h]->getKey();
while ( !tmp->fwdNodes[h]->isTail() && cmpKey < k )
tmp = tmp->fwdNodes[h];
cmpKey = tmp->fwdNodes[h]->getKey();
updateVec[h] = tmp;
tmp = tmp->fwdNodes[1];
cmpKey = tmp->getKey();
// If dup, return false
if ( !tmp->isTail() && cmpKey == k )
delete updateVec;
return std::pair<Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>, bool> ( NULL,false);
// Perform an insert
lvl = randGen->newLevel();
if ( lvl > curHeight )
for ( int i = curHeight + 1; i <= lvl; i++ )
updateVec[i] = head;
curHeight = lvl;
// Insert new element
tmp = new Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>(k, o, lvl);
for ( int i = 1; i <= lvl; i++ )
tmp->fwdNodes[i] = updateVec[i]->fwdNodes[i];
updateVec[i]->fwdNodes[i] = tmp;
delete updateVec;
return std::pair<Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>, bool> (*tmp , true);
delete updateVec;
return std::pair<Iterator<Key_T,Mapped_T>, bool> ( NULL,false);
What is wrong with it? I couldnt figure out after debugging a long time. The following code gives a memory dump error!
std::pair < Iterator<int,float>,bool> a = s.insert(std::pair<int,int>(1,1));
Your iterator implementation violates Rule of three. If you create copy of or assign iterator, you will get 2 iterators with fwdNodes
pointing to the same memory location. Once one of them deleted, another one will end up with fwdNodes
pointing to the already freed memory.