I have a report with several input controls that are used to populate another input control.
My input controls:
The query that populates NDC has this WHERE clause:
REGEXP_LIKE(DESCRIPTION, $P{name_lookup}, 'i')
OR REGEXP_LIKE(NDC, $P{name_lookup}, 'i')
OR ($X{IN, GPI, gpi})
It works as the $X
syntax is designed to -- if the user doesn't select a GPI value from the list, my NDC input control shows all drug codes. However, I only want to show drug codes when a value is actually selected from the GPI input control.
When I try
REGEXP_LIKE(DESCRIPTION, $P{name_lookup}, 'i')
OR REGEXP_LIKE(NDC, $P{name_lookup}, 'i')
OR ($X{IN, GPI, gpi} AND $P{gpi} IS NOT NULL)
I get an invalid column type in JasperReports Server for the NDC input control.
When I try
REGEXP_LIKE(DESCRIPTION, $P{name_lookup}, 'i')
OR REGEXP_LIKE(NDC, $P{name_lookup}, 'i')
OR ($X{IN, GPI, gpi} AND $P!{gpi} IS NOT NULL)
I get a missing expression error.
What can I do to limit the NDC input control's results to just the selected GPI, and not all results?
I just found this while experiencing the same problem, I finally solved it using a second parameter holding the lenght of the list:
<parameter name="potentially_empty_list" class="java.util.Collection"/>
<parameter name="num_of_list_elements" class="java.lang.Integer" isForPrompting="false">
And the SQL query would then be:
[... select etc...]
WHERE $X{IN,mysql_column_name, ist}
AND $P{num_of_list_elements} > 0
which for an empty list would be sent to mysql as:
WHERE 0 = 0 #(that's how jasper parses $X{IN..} for an empty collection
AND 0 > 0 # don't match anything :)