My task is to write an app(unfortunatly on C) which reads expression in infix notation(with variables, unary and binary operators) and store it in memory, then evaluate it. Also, checks for correctness should be performed.
for example:
After I got all values, program should calculate it.
The question is: What is the best way to do this?(with optimization and validation)
What notation to choice as the base of tree?
Should I represent expression as tree? If so I can easily optimize it(just drop nodes which returns 0 or smth else).
The link suggested in the comment by Greg Hewgill above contains all the info you'll need:
If you insist on writing your own,
You can also search for "expression evaluator" on Codeproject - they have a lot of articles on the topic.
I came across the M4 program's expression evaluator some time ago. You can study its code to see how it works. I think this link on Google Codesearch is the version I saw.