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Debugging 500 Response for Create Sales Receipt Through API Explorer

I've been developing an IPP application using the PHP devkit. I've been using the XML returned from the $object->asIDSXML() method to debug my objects through the API Explorer. Within the API Explorer I have been recieving a very ambiguous error when trying to create a Sales Receipt and I'm hoping I can learn more about the scheme requirements. Is there a validation xsd file somewhere? I'm currently unable to understand why I receive the following 500 code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <FaultInfo
<Message>Internal Server Error</Message>
<Cause>SERVER</Cause> </FaultInfo>

The documentation regarding a 500 states something along the lines of :

Possible Causes: Illegal permissions. Illegal values that are not verified in the validation process. Invalid data that the business logic verified.

I know that I have proper permissions, I have authenticated with an OAuth Token that has all privileges. The later two possibilities I believe are the issue, but I don't know how to get any additional information regarding the potentially invalid or missing data. I have literally tried creating a duplicate by using the API explorer to retrieve the SalesReceipt XML and then removing the DocumentID and sending to a create POST through the API explorer at which point I receive the same error shown above.

The following is the XML post data provided to the API. As far as I can tell the xml contains all the required fields fore creating a Sales Receipt. Thanks in advance for any help.

            <CustomerId idDomain="QBO">78</CustomerId>
                <Line1>123 Fake Ave</Line1>
                <City>Fake City</City>
            <Desc>Face to face IT Consulting Services, providing solutions to client's IT issues.</Desc>


  • Can you please try the following

    <SalesReceipt xmlns=''>
        <Header xmlns:ns3=''>
                    <Line1>123 Fake Ave</Line1>
                    <City>Fake City</City>
        <Line xmlns:ns11=''>
            <ns11:Desc>Face to face IT Consulting Services, providing solutions to client's IT issues.</ns11:Desc>