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What is the difference between marching cube and octree?

Is octree a special case of marching cube ?? I mean does octree use same triangulated cubes of marching cube. I know that octree is a 3d form of quadtree. I just want to know whether I am in correct direction or not. After the tree have been formed, how does octree does the step for formation of triangles ( for creating the surface) is it same as that of marching cube?


  • it is a completely different theory. Octree is a cubic subdivision method for 3d space, to find distributions of things in space, to efficiently process large spaces and narrow it down to the areas where there is something to find.

    Marching cubes is a system for generating mesh and doesn't use any progressive subdivision like octree.

    But a good marching cube system would use octree to find the areas that need to be processed and throw out things without mesh in it.