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How to access mac files(images) in iPad application running on iPad

Im pretty new to Xcode. I made a simple app which shows an image in UIImageView. I used following code:

- (IBAction)btnClicked:(id)sender {
[imgBox setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"DSC01522.jpg"]];

The images were copied in project by creating a new group "trial images" and adding images to it by right clicking on project navigator.

I am facing the following issue: When I run the app on simulator, I can see the Images. But I can't see them in iPad. Why is it so? And can anyone please explain me or provide a link where these concepts of file access are explained. Finally, I need to access iPad images through my app. How I manage that. Thank you.


    1. Make sure your image name is exact "DSC01522.jpg". Device is case sensitive.
    2. Try UIImagePickerController to get access to iPad's image.