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Cocos2d for android supporting different resolutions

I am trying to build a game and was wondering how would one go about supporting different resolution and screen sizes. For position of sprite I've implemented a basic function which sets the position according to a certain ratio, which I get by getting the screen width and height from sharedDirector's winSize method.

But this approach is not tested as I have yet to develop something to calculate the scaling factor for sprites depending upon the resolution of device. Can somebody advise me some method and tips by which I can correctly calculate the scaling of sprite and suggest a system to avoid the pixelation of sprites if I do apply any such method.

I searched on Google and found that Cocos2d-x supports different resolutions and sizes but I am bound to use Cocos2d only.

EDIT: I am bit confused as this is my first game. Please point out any mistakes that I may have made.


  • Okay I finally did this by getting the device display denitiy like


    and based on it I am multiplying by PTM ratio by 0.75,1,1.5,2.0 for ldpi,mdpi,hdpi,and xhdpi respectively.

    I am also changing the scale of sprites accordingly. And for positioning I've kept 320X480 as my base and then multiplying that with a ratio of my current x and y in pixels with my base pixels.

    EDIT: Adding some code for better understanding:

    public class MainLayer extends CCLayer()
    CGsize size; //this is where we hold the size of current display
    float scaleX,scaleY;//these are the ratios that we need to compute
    public MainLayer()
      size = CCDirector.sharedDirector().winSize();
      scaleX = size.width/480f;//assuming that all my assets are available for a 320X480(landscape) resolution;
      scaleY = size.height/320f;
      CCSprite somesprite = CCSprite.sprite("some.png");
      //if you want to set scale without maintaining the aspect ratio of Sprite
      //to set position that is same for every resolution
      somesprite.setPosition(80f*scaleX,250f*scaleY);//these positions are according to 320X480 resolution.
      //if you want to maintain the aspect ratio Sprite then instead up above scale like this
    public float aspect_Scale(CCSprite sprite, float scaleX , float scaleY)
            float sourcewidth = sprite.getContentSize().width;
            float sourceheight = sprite.getContentSize().height;
            float targetwidth = sourcewidth*scaleX;
            float targetheight = sourceheight*scaleY;
            float scalex = (float)targetwidth/sourcewidth;
            float scaley = (float)targetheight/sourceheight;
            return Math.min(scalex,scaley);