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Adding a GUI to VBScript

I'm currently working on a VBS script but I need user interaction with script. Basically I need two buttons and 4 checkboxes (checkboxes isn't important).


  • VBScript has dialogs, only not many and no checkboxes, you would need a COM object to do so (and there are). I'm sure you know Messagebox and here an example of the less known Popup

    Dim WshShell, BtnCode
    Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    BtnCode = WshShell.Popup("Do you feel alright?", 7, "Answer This Question:", 4 + 32)
    Select Case BtnCode
       case 6      WScript.Echo "Glad to hear you feel alright."
       case 7      WScript.Echo "Hope you're feeling better soon."
       case -1     WScript.Echo "Is there anybody out there?"
    End Select

    However, the best way to have more dialogs in vbscript is using HTA. Here an example

       ID = "oApp"
       APPLICATIONNAME = "Example"
       BORDER = "thick"
       CAPTION = "yes"
       ICON = "app.ico"
       SHOWINTASKBAR = "yes"
       SINGLEINSTANCE = "yes"
       SYSMENU = "yes"
       WINDOWSTATE = "normal"
       SCROLL = "yes"
       SCROLLFLAT = "yes"
       VERSION = "1.0"
       INNERBORDER = "yes"
       SELECTION = "no"
       MAXIMIZEBUTTON = "yes"
       MINIMIZEBUTTON = "yes"
       NAVIGABLE = "yes"
       CONTEXTMENU = "yes"
       BORDERSTYLE = "normal"
       <SCRIPT language="vbscript">
       sub SimpleExeample()
         document.body.innerHTML = "<form name=myform><input type=checkbox name=chk1>Check me<br><br><button onclick='alert(myform.chk1.checked)'>Show if checked</button></form>"
       end sub
    <BODY onLoad="SimpleExeample()">

    In one thing i agree with Cody, vbscript is nearly dead, if you start programming choose another language. Take a look at Ruby, the start is easy to learn an it is FUN. Here an example of u ruby script using shoes as GUI

    require 'green_shoes'{
      button("Click me!"){alert("You clicked me.")}

    EDIT: since my Ruby alternative rises some questions, here a more traditionel way closer to Vbscript uses of the same sample. The sample above is used more for a functional chained way of programming.

    require 'green_shoes' do
      button("Click me!") do
        alert("You clicked me.")