I want to order this array by price AND keep my keys without them being changed.
Here is what I have been working with.
$a = array(
4=>array('price'=>19.15,'timestamp_added'=>1299267448,'name'=>'crayon box'),
2=> array('price'=>4.28,'timestamp_added'=>1299785848,'name'=>'eraser'),
function printList( $a ){
echo "<br />";
foreach ($a as $key => $value){
echo "<br /> Product ID $key Price: " . $value['price'] . " Timestamp: " . $value['timestamp_added'] . " Name: " . $value['name'];
printList( $a );
$price = array();
foreach ($a as $key => $row)
$price[$key] = $row['price'];
array_multisort($price, SORT_ASC, $a);
printList( $a );
Product ID 1 Price: 9.25 Timestamp: 1301945848 Name: pencils
Product ID 4 Price: 19.15 Timestamp: 1299267448 Name: crayon box
Product ID 15 Price: 4.25 Timestamp: 1299785848 Name: markers
Product ID 2 Price: 4.28 Timestamp: 1299785848 Name: eraser
Product ID 44 Price: 13.99 Timestamp: 1299872248 Name: trapper
Product ID 32 Price: 9.25 Timestamp: 1299872248 Name: notebook
Product ID 14 Price: 13.99 Timestamp: 1301945848 Name: sharpener
Product ID 5 Price: 15.01 Timestamp: 1299872248 Name: calculator
Product ID 0 Price: 4.25 Timestamp: 1299785848 Name: markers
Product ID 1 Price: 4.28 Timestamp: 1299785848 Name: eraser
Product ID 2 Price: 9.25 Timestamp: 1299872248 Name: notebook
Product ID 3 Price: 9.25 Timestamp: 1301945848 Name: pencils
Product ID 4 Price: 13.99 Timestamp: 1299872248 Name: trapper
Product ID 5 Price: 13.99 Timestamp: 1301945848 Name: sharpener
Product ID 6 Price: 15.01 Timestamp: 1299872248 Name: calculator
Product ID 7 Price: 19.15 Timestamp: 1299267448 Name: crayon box
It sorts the array, but the keys are changed. How can I keep the keys labeled the way they were?
You can use uasort function
$a = array(
4=>array('price'=>19.15,'timestamp_added'=>1299267448,'name'=>'crayon box'),
2=> array('price'=>4.28,'timestamp_added'=>1299785848,'name'=>'eraser'),
function printList( $a ){
echo "<br />";
foreach ($a as $key => $value){
echo "<br /> Product ID $key Price: " . $value['price'] . " Timestamp: " . $value['timestamp_added'] . " Name: " . $value['name'];
printList( $a );
function sbyprice($a, $b)
return ($a['price'] >= $b['price']) ? 1 : 0;
uasort($a , "sbyprice");
printList( $a );
Output :
Product ID 1 Price: 9.25 Timestamp: 1301945848 Name: pencils
Product ID 4 Price: 19.15 Timestamp: 1299267448 Name: crayon box
Product ID 15 Price: 4.25 Timestamp: 1299785848 Name: markers
Product ID 2 Price: 4.28 Timestamp: 1299785848 Name: eraser
Product ID 44 Price: 13.99 Timestamp: 1299872248 Name: trapper
Product ID 32 Price: 9.25 Timestamp: 1299872248 Name: notebook
Product ID 14 Price: 13.99 Timestamp: 1301945848 Name: sharpener
Product ID 5 Price: 15.01 Timestamp: 1299872248 Name: calculator
Product ID 15 Price: 4.25 Timestamp: 1299785848 Name: markers
Product ID 2 Price: 4.28 Timestamp: 1299785848 Name: eraser
Product ID 32 Price: 9.25 Timestamp: 1299872248 Name: notebook
Product ID 1 Price: 9.25 Timestamp: 1301945848 Name: pencils
Product ID 44 Price: 13.99 Timestamp: 1299872248 Name: trapper
Product ID 14 Price: 13.99 Timestamp: 1301945848 Name: sharpener
Product ID 5 Price: 15.01 Timestamp: 1299872248 Name: calculator
Product ID 4 Price: 19.15 Timestamp: 1299267448 Name: crayon box