I have found this tutorial which is for ZendFramework 1. I download less and put it under project/vendor/.
└── Less
├── Lessc.php
└── Lessify.php
In project/module/Application/Module.php
public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $e)
public function compileLess()
if (APPLICATION_ENV == 'production') {
require_once PROJECT_PATH . '/vendor/Leafo/Less/Lessc.php';
$less_file = PROJECT_PATH . '/public/less/style.less';
$css_file = PROJECT_PATH . '/public/css/style.css';
$lessc = new \Leafo\Less\Lessc($less_file);
file_put_contents($css_file, $lessc->parse());
Unfortunately, I get the error below
Fatal error: Class 'Leafo\Less\Lessc' not found in /Users/jslim/public_html/littlepinktree/module/Application/Module.php on line 53
I have a few questions here:
I have solved this by putting the whole director in ./module/Application/src/Less
NOTE: I used back the original structure as follow
├── Application
│ └── Controller
│ └── IndexController.php
└── Less
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── composer.json
├── docs
│ └── docs.md
├── lessc.inc.php
├── lessify
├── lessify.inc.php
├── package.sh
├── plessc
└── tests
├── ApiTest.php
├── InputTest.php
├── README.md
├── bootstrap.sh
├── inputs
├── outputs
└── sort.php
Use class map in Application module ./module/Application/Module.php
public function getAutoloaderConfig()
return array(
'Zend\Loader\ClassMapAutoloader' => array(
__DIR__ . '/autoload_classmap.php',
'Zend\Loader\StandardAutoloader' => array(
'namespaces' => array(
__NAMESPACE__ => __DIR__ . '/src/' . __NAMESPACE__,
Then generate autoload_classmap.php
// Generated by ZF2's ./bin/classmap_generator.php
return array(
'Application\Module' => __DIR__ . '/Module.php',
'Application\Controller\IndexController' => __DIR__ . '/src/Application/Controller/IndexController.php',
'lessc' => __DIR__ . '/src/Less/lessc.inc.php',
'lessc_parser' => __DIR__ . '/src/Less/lessc.inc.php',
'lessc_formatter_classic' => __DIR__ . '/src/Less/lessc.inc.php',
'lessc_formatter_compressed' => __DIR__ . '/src/Less/lessc.inc.php',
'lessc_formatter_lessjs' => __DIR__ . '/src/Less/lessc.inc.php',
'easyparse' => __DIR__ . '/src/Less/lessify.inc.php',
'tagparse' => __DIR__ . '/src/Less/lessify.inc.php',
'nodecounter' => __DIR__ . '/src/Less/lessify.inc.php',
'lessify' => __DIR__ . '/src/Less/lessify.inc.php',
'ApiTest' => __DIR__ . '/src/Less/tests/ApiTest.php',
'InputTest' => __DIR__ . '/src/Less/tests/InputTest.php',
'lesscNormalized' => __DIR__ . '/src/Less/tests/sort.php',
'SortingFormatter' => __DIR__ . '/src/Less/tests/sort.php',
Finally, I can use it
public function compileLess()
if (APPLICATION_ENV == 'production') {
$less_file = PROJECT_PATH . '/public/less/style.less';
$css_file = PROJECT_PATH . '/public/css/style.css';
$lessc = new \lessc($less_file);
file_put_contents($css_file, $lessc->parse());