I'm new to MQ. I'm trying to compile amqsget0.c file for testing purpose with slight modification. But whenever it try to connect to the Queue, it returns with an error
<02:17:16>Successfully connected to MQ Queue Manager QMGR
<02:17:16>MQ Open to Queue QNME
Failed with reason code 8667514137712 (printing reason code returned from MQCONN.)
for compiling - [in AIX 6.1 machine ]
cc -g -q64 -qcpluscmt -c amqsget0.c
cc -g -q64 -qcpluscmt amqsget0.o -L/usr/mqm/lib64 -lmqm_r -o amqsget
But my friend was able to compile the same thing and the executable is working properly in my machine.
my machine
Name: WebSphere MQ
his machine
Name: WebSphere MQ
Can anyone point if I'm missing anything while compiling? or any pointer where I should check? Or I have missed any configuration?
Issue Solved.. was my compilation mistake