I am generating simple SVG diagrams by using sed find and replace on some text input. However, I need a more sophisticated find and replace operation involving simple math, to alter certain X and Y values.
E.g. I need to multiply all Y values by a factor of 0.5 or 0.2 or 0.
Because of how I want this to work, it cannot be achieved with a transform operation within the SVG.*
I just need to be able to find, say, all instances of ([0-9.]*)VERT
(in sed speak) and replace with the mathematical result of \1
multiplied by the constant I choose.
You could write a simple perl script. Not sure what determines $factor, but this should at least give you a running start.
#! /usr/bin/perl
my $factor=0.5;
while(my $line=<>) {
if ($line =~ /([0-9.]*)VERT/) {
my $num = $factor * $1;
$line =~ s/([0-9.]*)VERT/${num}VERT/;
print $line;
Usage: ./scriptname.pl <file_to_process.txt