For some reason, using "GCMRegistrar.register(this, SENDER_ID);" works on 4.0 + devices. However, it stuck at the following message without getting anymore GCM notification from Google.
"Registering app (my package) of senders (my api #)"
1) manifest and receiver should be correct since it's working on 4.2.1.
2) I have google play and linked with google account on 2.3.3 device
I have searched for several day and couldn't find an answer. Anyone know what's wrong or have the same issue?
I found out it's just because I didn't set the receiver's category correctly.
Since I was putting all my source code in a library project and referencing it with each individual application, I need to rename 3 different places in the manifest.
android:protectionLevel="signature" />
android:name="digital.dispatch.mobilebooker.(my app name).permission.C2D_MESSAGE"
android:protectionLevel="signature" />
android:name="digital.dispatch.mobilebooker.base.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" />
<category android:name="digital.dispatch.mobilebooker.base" />
<category android:name="digital.dispatch.mobilebooker.(my app name)" />
The reason why it worked in 4.0 + device is because I only did the first two but not 3). Since 4.0+ device doesn't care about receiver's category, it worked. However, when I am testing on 2.3.3 device, the category actually matters and causing it not receiving any response.
Hope this will help any other that encounter the same situation.