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Bitmap with a color layer

I have a ImageView where I put a Bitmap (left), sometimes I wanna see bitmap with a semitransparent blue layer (right). I try with a ColorFilter (LightingColorFilter and PorterDuffColorFilter) but I get a dark blue, how can I do this with ColorFilter or anything else?

enter image description here


EDIT (I tried this and other variants)

 //ColorFilter filter = new PorterDuffColorFilter(color.wather, PorterDuff.Mode.DST_OVER);
 ColorFilter filter = new LightingColorFilter(color.mul, color.wather);
 // mul = 0xFFFFFFFF and wather = 0x7000FFFF

 BitmapScaler scaler = new BitmapScaler();

I tried diferents mul, add values and always get this: enter image description here


  • I've already finds the mul, add values, I had a problem with color.xml because I used ID number instead the color RGB number, big mistake. Transparence (Alpha) are ignore but I can get the effect downing intensity of add value.

        int mul = 0xFFFFFF;
        int add = 0x005050;
    filter = new LightingColorFilter(mul, add);

    Thanks Elior for your help.