I want to create a simple voting system, where people can vote for a candidate and the the votes for each candidate gets displayed on the website dynamically.
I am a front-end developer and do not really get to work with server side code too often, so I am unsure how to approach this.
Is the best way to use a server-side language (like php) and SQL? Or can this be done with HTML5/Javascript/jQuery ?
As you have told that you are front end developer this is not enough to create a dynamic Simple voting system
Before coding your application you need decide it's architecture
both the architectures involves 3 different components
so you need to cover server side and database side as well in order to develop a dynamic system.You can use Ajax as well in order to improve your system
In short you need persistence storage as well so server side will take your front end (user data) to a persistence storage like(databases)