I have the following program below which telnets into another device and prints serial number and Mac address.
My problem is that for some reason if I send the command once it skips the first command and sends the second, but if I copy the same command twice it will send the command.
What is the correct way to send a command multiple commands successively?
Should the buffer be flushed after every command sent ?
My Env
Eclipse Ide
Ubuntu 12.10
perl 5, version 14, subversion 2 (v5.14.2)
Snippet of my code:
$telnet = Net::Telnet->new($remoteSystem);
$| = 1;
$result = $telnet->input_log($errorlog);
#$_ = "@lines";
@TSN =$telnet->cmd('export | grep -e SerialNumber..[A-Z] | cut -d"\"" -f2');
@TSN =$telnet->cmd('export | grep -e SerialNumber..[A-Z] | cut -d"\"" -f2');
@mac = $telnet->cmd('ifconfig | grep eth0 | cut -d" " -f 11');
print "@TSN AND @TSN @mac";
print FH "$remoteSystem\n";
print "Telnetting into $remoteSystem .\n"; # Prints names of the tcd
foreach (@host) {
OUTPUT That skips the first command:
bash-2.02 AND bash-2.02 ifconfig | grep eth0 | cut -d" " -f 11
bash-2.02 #
bash-2.02 Telnetting into debug79-109 .
OUTPUT That works but I have to send the same command twice:
export | grep -e SerialNumber..[A-Z] | cut -d"\"" -f2
bash-2.02 #
bash-2.02 AND export | grep -e SerialNumber..[A-Z] | cut -d"\"" -f2
bash-2.02 #
bash-2.02 ifconfig | grep eth0 | cut -d" " -f 11
bash-2.02 #
bash-2.02 Telnetting into debug79-109
Specify the command prompt in your call to cmd(), e.g.@TSN =$telnet->cmd('export | grep -e SerialNumber..[A-Z] | cut -d"\"" -f2', Prompt => 'bash-2.02 #');