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Coin Change Bottom Up Dynamic Programming I'm trying to solve that problem. Note, though, that it's not the minimum coin change problem, it asks me for the different number of ways to make N cents using 50, 25, 15, 10, 5 and 1 cent coins. It's fairly straightforward, so I made this function:

int count(int n, int m) // n is the N of the problem, m is the number of coin types and s[] is {1, 5, 10, 25, 50}
  if (n == 0)
    return 1;

  if (n < 0)
    return 0;

  if (m < 0 && n >= 1)
    return 0;

  return DP[n][m - 1] + DP[n - s[m]][m];

Fairly straightforward too is adding Dynamic Programming with memoization:

int count(int n, int m)
  if (n == 0)
    return 1;

  if (n < 0)
    return 0;

  if (m < 0 && n >= 1)
    return 0;

  if (DP[n][m - 1] == -1 || DP[n - s[m]][m] == -1)
    return count(n, m - 1) + count(n - s[m], m);
    return DP[n][m - 1] + DP[n - s[m]][m];

However, none of these is fast enough - I need bottom up Dynamic Programming, but I am having difficulties coding it, even with some help from Algorithmist -

void generate()
  for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
    for (u = 0; u < m; u++)
      if (i == 0)
        DP[i][u] = 1;
      else if (u == 0)
        DP[i][u] = 0;
      else if (s[u] > i)
        DP[i][u] = DP[i][u - 1];
        DP[i][u] = DP[i][u - 1] + DP[i - s[u]][u];

I get 0 for every result for some reason, here's my full code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

using namespace std;

#define MAX 7490

int s[] = {1, 5, 10, 25, 50}, m = 5, input, DP[MAX][5], i, u;

int count(int n, int m)
  if (n == 0)
    return 1;

  if (n < 0)
    return 0;

  if (m < 0 && n >= 1)
    return 0;

  if (DP[n][m - 1] == -1 || DP[n - s[m]][m] == -1)
    return count(n, m - 1) + count(n - s[m], m);
    return DP[n][m - 1] + DP[n - s[m]][m];

void generate()
  for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
    for (u = 0; u < m; u++)
      if (i == 0)
        DP[i][u] = 1;
      else if (u == 0)
        DP[i][u] = 0;
      else if (s[u] > i)
        DP[i][u] = DP[i][u - 1];
        DP[i][u] = DP[i][u - 1] + DP[i - s[u]][u];

int main()
  memset(DP, -1, sizeof DP);

  while (scanf("%d", &input) != EOF)
    //printf("%d\n", count(input, 4));
    printf("%d\n", DP[input][4]);

  return 0;


  • You did the mistake here:

    else if (u == 0)
       DP[i][u] = 0;

    It should be DP[i][u]=1 because you can produce any value i using 1 cent coin in 1 possible way. i.e. to take 5 cent you will take 5 one cent coins which is one way to make 5-cent in total.


    Btw, in you 1st approach in count method did you have this:

    if (DP[n][m - 1] == -1 || DP[n - s[m]][m] == -1)
      return count(n, m - 1) + count(n - s[m], m);

    Or this:

    if (DP[n][m - 1] == -1 || DP[n - s[m]][m] == -1)
        return DP[n][m] = count(n, m - 1) + count(n - s[m], m);

    If you did not memoize an already calculated result then this memoization check if (DP[n][m - 1] == -1 || DP[n - s[m]][m] == -1) will never work, which might be the cause of your 1st approach to be too slow :-?