I have a datepicker that sets a date on an input. I am binding it with stickit. The problem is that since the datepicker (and not a keystroke) changes the value of the input, the stickit binding doesn't observe the change. If I enter the date manually, there is no problem.
bindings: {
'input[name=RecordDate]': {
observe: 'recdate',
onSet: 'dosome'
I would recommend adding a global handler to handle all of the datepickers across your project. The following handler will match any bound element with the class: 'jquery-datepicker':
selector: '.jquery-datepicker',
initialize: function($el, model, options) {
onChangeMonthYear: function() {
model.set(options.observe, $el.val());
Here is an example fiddle:
Let me know if that works for you. I plan on documenting handlers better with a cookbook or examples in the near future...