I want to reuse some of the steps that are common. for example
Scenario: Navigate to Page 2 and perform first set of validations
Given A user<username> is logged in
When user clicks on <menuItem>
and page <page_name> is displayed
and user clicks on Submit button
Then Page <second_page> is displayed
And validate <condition_1>
Scenario: Navigate to Page 2 and perform second set of validations
Given A user<username> is logged in
When user clicks on <menuItem>
and page <page_name> is displayed
and user clicks on Submit button
Then Page <second_page> is displayed
And validate <condition_2>
Now, Since the given conditions are same, I would like to normalize the story to something like this.
In precondition1.story
Given A user<username> is logged in
When user clicks on <menuItem>
and page <page_name> is displayed
and user clicks on Submit button
Then Page <second_page> is displayed
In currentTestStory.story
GivenStories: precondition1.story
Scenario: Navigate to Page 2 and perform first set of validations
Given Page <second_page> is displayed
And validate <condition_1>
Scenario: Navigate to Page 2 and perform second set of validations
Given Page <second_page> is displayed
And validate <condition_2>
But the challenge I am facing is, I cannot parameterize the GiveStory from the current story. Is there a way to achieve what I am trying to do?
My approach would be to not use GivenStories at all in this story. Use the step
Given Page <second_page> is displayed
and then do whatever it takes in the step in order to display that second page.