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How does the time relationship between a Cookie and FormsAuthenticationTicket really work?

I'm doing a bit of testing on Cookie/FormsAuthenticationTicket/Session timeouts. During my testing I found something really interesting.

  • Create a Session Cookie
  • cookie.Expires = DateTime.MinValue;
  • Create a FormsAuthenticationTicket with an expiration of 5 minutes
  • Set Session Timeout in web.config to 3 minutes
  • Then I created a button that simply calls Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); to refresh the page to see if i'm still in the secure section of the page.

    If i continuously refresh the page the FormsAuthenticationTicket lasts greater than 5 minutes.

    So my questions are:

  • I'm assuming this is by design but is this true?
  • Is this because this is a session cookie?
  • If it is because it's a session cookie, whats the expected behavior of a non-session cookie?

  • Solution

  • As stated in the comments this is due to the default value of sliding expiration being true:
