I need to test two pseudorandom sequences:
For testing I will use Diehard test suite.
I faced the following problem. I need to test whole period of sequence, which is more than 2^32 digits, in file it's more than 4Gb, and I think that for 8 core processor it would be much more.
Diehard documentation says:You must provide the binary file that DIEHARD expects---a file of 10 to 11 megabytes...
The random generators, which is in Diehard test suite also generates ~11Mb files with random sequences.
So the question is how I can test my huge file with sequence? And in which format it should be written? Now I'm just writting numbers, separating them with space, like this: 145 458 63 2 0 1489 ...
I found the solution. For such big amount of data it is better to use Dieharder test suite.