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include/import separate AS3 file

I am trying to just include a .as file in my flash application. I'm sure it's not that difficult and I'm just getting something slightly wrong, but at the top of my code I always put:

include {"Le Bot src/";}


import {"Le Bot src/";}

to try and include a separate .as file. But, when I use include it comes up with the error: expecting stringliteral before left brace and when I use 'import' it comes up with the errors:

expecting identifier before left brace 
expecting semicolon before left brace

I am just a beginner to AS3, is there any way to fix this problem? Btw, if I remove the two braces on either side, then it comes up with another error


  • import locationOfASFile.Skill;

    e.g. if your file was located inside a directory named 'LeBotsrc' which was inside a directory named 'com'

    import com.LeBotsrc.Skill;

    Also your as package needs to reflect it's location. So inside you would have

    package com.LeBotsrc {