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Laravel: Passing data to default.blade.php from base controller

I have a base controller with a method to return a twitter feed to my view.

I want to move this in the view from the page view to the default blade to reduce redundancy as it will be appearing site wide. How do I pass data from the base controller to blade?

I can send it to my view from the page controller like so:

public function get_index()
    $this->layout->nest('content', 'home.index', array(
        'tweets' => $this->get_tweet()

and in the view, output it like this:

if ($tweets)
    foreach ($tweets as $tweet)

I want to do all this from within default.blade.php and my Base_Contoller:

class Base_Controller extends Controller {
     * Catch-all method for requests that can't be matched.
     * @param  string    $method
     * @param  array     $parameters
     * @return Response
    public function __call($method, $parameters)
        return Response::error('404');

    public function get_tweet()
        return $tweets;

How is this possible?



class Tweets {
    public static function get($count = 3)
        'tmhOAuth'     => path('app').
            'tmhUtilities' => path('app').
        $tmhOAuth = new tmhOAuth(array(
            'consumer_key'        => 'xxx',
            'consumer_secret'     => 'xxx',
            'user_token'          => 'xxxxx',
            'user_secret'         => 'xxxxx',
            'curl_ssl_verifypeer' => false
        $code = $tmhOAuth->request('GET',
        $tmhOAuth->url('1.1/statuses/user_timeline'), array(
            'screen_name' => 'xxx',
            'count' => $count
        $response = $tmhOAuth->response['response'];
        $tweets = json_decode($response, true);
        return $tweets;


@foreach ($tweets)


{{ $tweets }}


View::composer('widgets.tweets', function($view)
    $view->tweets = Tweets::get();
View::composer('layouts.default', function($view)
    $view->nest('tweets', 'widgets.tweets');


class Base_Controller extends Controller {

     * Catch-all method for requests that can't be matched.
     * @param  string    $method
     * @param  array     $parameters
     * @return Response
    public $layout = 'layouts.default';

    public function __call($method, $parameters)
        return Response::error('404');




class Home_Controller extends Base_Controller {

    public $layout = 'layouts.default';

    public $restful = true; 

    public function get_index()
        Asset::add('modernizr', 'js/thirdparty/modernizr.js');
        Asset::add('scripts', 'js/scripts.js');

        $this->layout->title = 'title';
        $this->layout->nest('content', 'home.index', array(
            //'data' => $some_data

Is giving me an

Undefined variable: tweets



  • Step 1 - Make a view just for your tweets, let's call it widgets/tweets.blade.php, that will accept your $tweets data. This makes it very easy to cache the tweets view in the future if you want a little more performance. We also want a model that will generate the tweet data for you.

    Step 2 - Pass the tweet data into your tweets view, let's use a View Composer for this so the logic is kept with (but outside) the view.

    Step 3 - Create your default layout, let's call this layout/default.blade.php. This will accept $content and $tweets. We'll nest the tweets view with another View Composer. You can nest the $content in your controller actions.

    Step 4 - Set the $layout on your Base_Controller.

    Step 5 - Profit!

    Note - If these are your first view composers then you'll need to include them in application/start.php

    // application/models/tweets.php
    class Tweets {
        public static function get($count = 5)
            // get your tweets and return them
    // application/views/widgets/tweets.blade.php
    @foreach ($tweets)
        {{-- do something with your tweets --}}
    // application/views/layouts/default.blade.php
    <section class="main">{{ isset($content) ? $content : '' }}</section>
    <aside class="widget widget-tweets">{{ $tweets }}</aside>
    // application/composers.php
    View::composer('widgets.tweets', function($view)
        $view->tweets = Tweets::get();
    View::composer('layouts.default', function($view)
        $view->nest('tweets', 'widgets.tweets');
    // application/start.php (at the bottom)
    include path('app').'composers.php';
    // application/controllers/base.php
    class Base_Controller extends Controller {
        public $layout = 'layouts.default';
    // application/controllers/home.php
    class Home_Controller extends Base_Controller {
        public $restful = true;
        public function get_index()
            $this->layout->nest('content', 'home.welcome');