I am trying to implement the Features module on one of my Drupal 7 sites for managing blocks. I have a couple questions though. 1st, when you create a new feature on the source site, do you then take that newly created feature and put it in your modules directory and enable it on the source server AND the destination server or JUST the destination server?
Also, I'm wondering how it works when you are trying to manage blocks with a test server and a live server when the live server is a clone of test. In other words we create a test server, construct our site including content and blocks and when it's finished we clone test to live. Then we install the features module on test and create a feature that contains ALL of our custom blocks. When I did this though and moved that feature to the live server and enabled it, it was immediately in an overridden state. Are features only meant for moving NEW blocks from one site to another and not meant to manage blocks that already exist on BOTH servers? Should I create the feature containing all the blocks on the test server and then delete the blocks on the live server and THEN enable the feature on live which would populate the blocks on live. I'm just not sure if I'm missing something or going about this the wrong way.
UPDATE: OK, I'm pulling my hair out over here. Again, so I have two sites a source and a destination. The destination was is an exact clone of the source. I have three blocks on both sites that I would like to manage via features. SO, on the source site, I decided to test with just ONE block first. I first edited the block so it would be different than the one on the destination site. I then created the feature including the block and block settings (by the way I'm using Features Extra to accomplish this) and then I place the feature on the destination site and when I activate the feature, the feature is actually NOT in an overridden state and the changes that I made to the block on the source site, show up on the destination site no problem. HOWEVER, if I try to add the other two blocks now to this feature on the source site and recreate it and export it out to the destination site, the feature on the destination site is now in an overridden state which is fine, but no matter how many times I "Revert" the feature to take the blocks out of the dB and into code, it will NOT get out of an overridden state. I have flushed the cache, disabled the feature and re-enabled, and tried reverting and it is stuck as overridden and I do not see the changes to the other two blocks that I made. I then thought maybe it's because I am doing three blocks at once. I then took JUST block number two by itself and created a feature for it and put it on the destination site and it gets stuck in overridden status. Same goes for block number 3. Block number one by itself is fine and does not get stuck in overridden status. It's just block number 2 and three. As far as I can tell all three blocks were created the same exact way and do not have any different settings as far as roles, pages etc. I am stumped on this one for sure.
comment doesn't allow this much log post, so posting as answer.
I can't say much without having exact problem. But This is how features works. You have to do changes in a source site. then create feature of that changes. Now On destination site you have to enable that feature. If you already have that changes in destination site, than feature will be overridden, you revert it and get changes.
As you saying you added two other blocks in feature, but you didn't change anything in those blocks, so they are already in destination site. that why features in overridden state. when you revert It does changes, but sometime it doesn't changes state on (admin/structure/features/).
I don't know your exact requirement, but I think you should change do changes in source site and then pick them in feature and enable on destination site.