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vhdl string to font 5x7

I am quite new to VHDL and as my first project I created a 20x7 LED display with rotating text. Right now all the STD_LOGIC_VECTORs which printed on the display are set manually.

I was wondering if there is a possibility to get STD_LOGIC_VECTOR representation of rows from a string (or char?). I found usable font, but I don't know where to start...


  • to implement something like what you asked for in the later comments, you first need a translation function char2int for the addressing of your array. example:

        function char2int (chr: character) return integer is
            variable i: integer;
            case chr is
            when 'H' => i:=0;
            when 'A' => i:=1;
            when 'L' => i:=2;
            when 'O' => i:=3;
            when others => i:=4;
            end case;
            return i;
        end char2int;

    then the main function is as you suggested in your C-example:

        function string_to_bitfile(constant txt_str: string) return text_type is
            variable txt: text_type;
            for i in 0 to (txt_str'length-1) loop
                for j in 0 to 5 loop
                end loop;
            end loop;
            return txt;
        end string_to_bitfile;