I need to create 2 functions: one to upload files using SFTP and another using SCP. I'm using phpseclib and the put
method; I believe I have the SFTP function done.
Now, I'm trying to do the SCP function. Per http://adomas.eu/phpseclib-for-ssh-and-scp-connections-with-php-for-managing-remote-server-and-data-exchange/, it seems like the following are the things I need to do:
In case of SCP:
1. Including the needed file: include('/path/to/needed/file/Net/SFTP.php');
2. Creating object and making connection:
$sftp = new Net_SFTP('host');
if (!$sftp->login('user', 'password')) { exit('Login Failed'); }
3. Reading contents of a file: $contents=$sftp->get('/file/on/remote/host.txt');
4. Copying file over sftp with php from remote to local host: $sftp->get('/file/on/remote/host.txt', '/file/on/local/host.txt');
5. Copying file over sftp with php from local to remote host: $sftp->put('/file/on/remote/host.txt', '/file/on/local/host.txt');
6. Writing contents to remote file: $sftp->get('/file/on/remote/host.txt', 'contents to write');
I need to do #5, but it looks like what I did for SFTP. SFTP and SCP aren't the same, right? Is the same code correct? If not, how do I do SCP?
Yes, the SCP is completely different protocol to the SFTP.
The phpseclib now supports the SCP in recent versions (since version 0.3.5, released in June 2013).
Alternatively, use the PHP PECL SSH2 functions for SCP upload/download: