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gnuwin32 libxml2 installation : setting several lib and include directories

I am now compiling libxml2 on windows 8 using mingw32.

I have downloaded from here and follow the instruction found in the README file. They instruct to configure make using a javascript called configure.js. We can run the script like this:

cscript configure.js compiler=msvc prefix=c:\opt include=c:\opt\include lib=c:\opt\lib debug=yes

I guess there is a super simple and maybe obvious to this question, but how do I set several lib and include folders ? I tried separating with ";" :

cscript configure.js compiler=mingw zlib=yes prefix=C:\cpp\libraries\libxml2 include=C:\cpp\libraries\iconv-1.9.2.win32\include;C:\cpp\libraries\zlib1.2.3\GnuWin32\include lib=C:\cpp\libraries\iconv-1.9.2.win32\lib;C:\cpp\libraries\zlib1.2.3\GnuWin32\lib

but that did not work out. Did not find anything about that in the readme file ...


  • finally things were not so difficult. the javascript script create a file config.mingw that is easy to edit, in this case manually adding the paths separately with -I, in my case:

    INCLUDE+= -IC:\cpp\libraries\iconv\GnuWin32\include -IC:\cpp\libraries\zlib1.2.3\GnuWin32\include
    LIB+= -LC:\cpp\libraries\iconv\GnuWin32\lib -LC:\cpp\libraries\zlib1.2.3\GnuWin32\lib