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EF database migrations

I'm working on an MVC4 application that uses Entity Framework 5, database migrations, and the asp membership api. In my development environment I can delete my database entirely, run a package (.zip), refresh the page and all works as expected; a database gets created, the seed method is called and some default values are stuck into the database.

Perfect, really easy too! But.....yes, there is always a but!

When I go to deploy this same package(only changed the db connection string) and run this in a remote environment, the behavior changes. Again, if I go in and delete the database entirely, run the package (.zip), refresh the page, the database gets created with only the asp membership api tables. I've checked the connection string, and that is for sure, not the cause, or else the database and membership tables couldn't get created.

I am aware of using the nuget package manager, which is really a powershell instance, but I am not using it since it cannot be used in the production environment. I'd like the package to handle it all, and in my test environment, it works perfectly.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Could this be a side effect of mixed migration history?

Thanks in advance!


  • The default MVC4 Internet Application project messes up a lot of people. Microsoft wanted to demonstrate the SimpleMembership functionality, which requires an EF context, but it's not common sense that you have to actually modify this portion to effectively use the rest of your app.

    So, a little primer on how Entity Framework works will help clear up why this happening I think.

    Entity Framework (at least version 5, it may change in 6 or successive versions) only allows one DbContext for your application. Most likely, you have at least two, the AccountsContext that was autogenerated by the project template and the context you use for the rest of your application. If you were to turn off automatic migrations and attempted to generate a migration, EF would helpfully tell you that you need to specify which context to use. However, automatic migrations are the default in Code First, very few disable that, and thus very few ever get alerted.

    When automatic migrations are enabled, and you have no existing database, EF happily (and silently) creates the database for you from your context. But, what if you have multiple contexts? Well, the other nasty little feature of EF is that it creates the database just-in-time. So, which context gets used is a function of which one is accessed first. Nice, huh? So, if you attempt to do anything like a logon, then the database is created from the AccountsContext and then, when you try to access something from your app's context, the database already exists, and EF does nothing.

    So, what to do about this? Well, you need one context to remove ambiguity. You can still have more than one context if you want in your app, but you have to essentially tell EF that all the other contexts are database-first, i.e. don't do anything.

    public class AccountsContext : DbContext
        public AccountsContext()
            : base("name=YourConnectionStringName")
    public class MyAppContext : DbContext
        public MyAppContext()
            : base("name=YourConnectionStringName")
        // All your entities here, including stuff from AccountsContext

    MyAppContext will be your "master" context, which will have every entity in your database that EF should know about. The base call on both serves to take EF's guessing out of of the way and explicitly make sure everyone is one the same page as to what database connection should be used. Your AccountsContext is now essentially database-first, so it won't spark EF to create the database or attempt any migrations -- that's what MyAppContext is for. You can create other contexts in the same way as AccountsContext to break up your app's functionality; you just have to mirror any DbSet property declarations into your "master" context.

    Julie Lehrman calls this concept "bounded contexts" in her book, Programming Entity Framework: DbContext, and presents a generic class you can inherit all of your "bounded contexts" from, so you don't have to specify the connection string name and set the database initializer to null each time.