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How can I run selenium tests on

Say I want to perform the following test on my website:

  • Load it into the browser.
  • Click on a button, which performs some Javascript.
  • Wait for the Javascript action to complete.
  • Look at how the page appears now.

I know how to create a Selenium test for this. I know also how to perform this test on manually, that is, by starting a BrowserStack VM for each browser I need, and then perform these steps.

How can I combine the Selenium test (can be in JS or C# or whatever) with BrowserStack, so that BrowserStack executes the test in all browsers I need, and then sends some report to me, like a bunch of screenshots?

BrowserStack provides some small documentation about TestSwarm and Selenium at, but since I'm absolutely new to the web testing topic, I don't see how BrowserStack, Selenium and maybe TestSwarm interact together.

EDIT: Selenium and Testswarm are just examples, I don't prefer any framework, I just need to automate BrowserStack.


  • I don't think it's possible at this time...

    Their localhost testing doc gives an example of how their command line works:

    Command line interface

    java -jar BrowserStackTunnel.jar TI3PnSeogaDEcwSyiSzm localhost,3000,0

    In my experience with selenium, that doesn't leave any way of launching the selenium test.

    Here's an example of how I call a selenium test:

    java -Dpfile="../properties/" -jar ../runselenium.jar ca.myorg.tests.HappyPathTest 

    I just received an email from them that promised full support for selenium sometime next month (May, 2013):

    We are working on implementing full scale automated testing including Selenium and expect it to be released sometime next month. We will notify you personally once done.

    Hope this helps.