Looking for an example or documentation links as to how to implement a method returning AsyncToken.
Note this is not about using/consuming a method returning AsyncToken! I wish to write such methods myself.
Implementing a method that returns an AsyncToken is simple:
function doStuffLater():AsyncToken {
var token:AsyncToken = new AsyncToken(null);
// This method will randomly call the responder's 'result' or 'fault'
// handler.
function doStuff() {
var response:String = (Math.random() > 0.5)? "result" : "fault";
for each (responder:IResponder in (token.responders || [])) {
// rememeber: this is equivilent to
// responder.result(...) or responder.fault(...)
responder[response]("Got a result!");
setTimeout(doStuff, 1000);
return token;
Note that you can't actually use the applyResult
and applyFault
methods, because they pass the responders an Event
, when the responder except the result or fault object.