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Can an XML document follow both a DTD and an XML Schema?

Is it legal for an XML document to specify that it follows both a DTD and a Schema? Won't the two conflict with one another?


  • Technically I think you would have problems with the DTD not recognizing the attributes for referencing the schema (the namespace declaration and the schema location).

    However I think it depends on how you're validating your XML and whether or not you can ignore the DTD for validation if a schema is specified.

    Also, for your assignment are you sure you have to reference both from the same XML instance? Maybe you could have 2 versions of the XML; one that references the DTD and one that references the schema?

    Here's two other possible options...

    Declaring the schema attributes:

    <!DOCTYPE doc [
    <!ELEMENT doc (test)>
    <!ATTLIST doc
              xmlns:xsi CDATA #IMPLIED
              xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation CDATA #IMPLIED>
    <!ELEMENT test (#PCDATA)>
    <doc xmlns:xsi=""
        <test>Test Doc</test>

    Using a processing instruction to reference the schema:

    <!DOCTYPE doc [
    <!ELEMENT doc (test)>
    <!ELEMENT test (#PCDATA)>
    <?xml-model href="test.xsd"?>
        <test>Test Doc</test>