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What is the conceptual difference between SynchronizationContext and TaskScheduler

Stephen Toub blogged that

Both SynchronizationContext and TaskScheduler are abstractions that represent a “scheduler”, something that you give some work to, and it determines when and where to run that work. There are many different forms of schedulers. For example, the ThreadPool is a scheduler: you call ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem to supply a delegate to run, that delegate gets queued, and one of the ThreadPool’s threads eventually picks up and runs that delegate. Your user interface also has a scheduler: the message pump.

So System.Reactive.Concurrency.EventLoopScheduler, Dispatcher, ThreadPool, TaskScheduler, SyncrhonizationContext, and IScheduler implementations of Reactive Extensions are all "schedulers" in that sense.

What is the difference between them?

Why were they all necessary? I think I get EventLoop, Dispatcher, ThreadPool. IScheduler are also well explained.
But TaskScheduler and SyncrhonizationContext still not clear to me.

Stephen Cleary's excellent article explains SyncrhonizationContext, and I think I get it. Why then we needed TaskScheduler, is not clear.

Please explain or point to a source.


  • Each platform has it's own "scheduler" and they have their own abstractions around them. e.g. WinForms uses a message pump. WPF uses another message pump abstracted within "Dispatcher". A ThreadPool is another "scheduler" abstracted within "ThreadPool". These (and some others) are lower-level schedulers.

    A Task and a TaskScheduler would like the user of a Task to not have to think about scheduling tasks at these lower levels (you can of course, in an abstracted way). You should be able to start a task and an ambient "scheduler" should take care of it. For example, TaskFactory.StartNew(()=>{LengthyOperation()}) should work regardless of what platform I'm running under. That's where a SynchronizationContext comes in. It knows about what lower-level schedulers are involved in the currently running framework. That is passed along to a TaskScheduler and that scheduler can both schedule tasks (possibly on to the ThreadPool) and schedule continuations through the lower-level scheduler associated with the currently running framework (see SynchronizationContext) to maintain synchronization requirements. e.g. although you'd like your Task to run in the ThreadPool, you may want a continuation to run in the UI thread.

    It's important to know that the TaskScheduler is a abstraction of multiple other schedulers. This isn't the only reason it exists, but one of the reasons for this "extra" abstraction".