I had this problem with ICU in my app, trying to run in Qt Creator on my Mountain Lion MacBook Pro.
Now I discovered I have a similar problem at run time with a dmg that I build on this same MacBook Pro. The build completes successfully, running the dmg and installing appears successful, but when I try to run I get:
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/libicuuc.46.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/MapCreator.app/Contents/SharedLibraries/libicui18n.46.1.dylib
Reason: image not found
I grabbed a previous tagged version of our app (and build script) from source control and I get the same problem when it's built on this MacBook.
The only errors I see when I run the build script are listed below. I believe these errors have always been present in our builds on all machines, and have never been a problem, but I list them here just in case it turns out to be helpful:
ERROR: "strip: can't map file: /Users/david/dev/svn/map_creator1.0.2/build/mac/pkg-root/Applications/MapCreator.app/Contents (Invalid argument)
ERROR: "install_name_tool: can't map file: /Users/david/dev/svn/map_creator1.0.2/build/mac/pkg-root/Applications/MapCreator.app/Contents/Frameworks//.. (Invalid argument)
ERROR: "otool: can't map file: /Users/david/dev/svn/map_creator1.0.2/build/mac/pkg-root/Applications/MapCreator.app/Contents/Frameworks//.. (Invalid argument)
ERROR: no file at "/usr/lib/libicui18n.46.dylib"
ERROR: no file at "/usr/lib/libicuuc.46.dylib"
ERROR: no file at "/usr/lib/libicudata.46.dylib"
I'm not sure where to look to track this down. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Apparently there is something different about the ICU install on my MacBook. The problem is solved by adding more install_name_tool -change
lines to our script, to change where it's looking for dependencies for the ICU files in question.
The format is:
install_name_tool -change old new file
If the "old" path doesn't match, it just ignores the command. So simply adding the new lines covers the bases of various possible ICU installs.