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SCSS works well, yet Codekit error out "Syntax error: File to import not found or unreadable"

1 The Problem:

I use sass (scss) + compass in my project.

At first, I just use command line to watch, i.e. "Compass watch" and everything works well.

Yesterday, I start to use Codekit to auto-compile all my files, with exactly the same style.scss file, it error out.

1.1 Some Detail:

I use compass to create image sprites, so in my .scss file I have two line:

@import "contact/*.png";
@include all-contact-sprites;

contact folder is where i put all the .png images, It works well with command line "compass watch", no error at all, yet when I use Codekit, it keep erroring out.

1.2 The error image:

"Syntax error: File to import not found or unreadable" enter image description here

P.S. As a newbie, I know it's my problem, and I know it's somekind a stupid question, but after hours searching, I still get nowhere, so I post this question.


  • It seems like CodeKit is trying to compile with SASS, while @import "contact/*.png" is a feature of Compass.

    Make sure you point CodeKit at the root of your project where config.rb resides. Refer to CodeKit documentation.