Basically, I have a "sparse style" data set, with
thrust::device_vector<int> indexes(smallsize);
thrust::device_vector<float> values(smallsize);
I'd like to expand this into a single
thrust::device_vector<float> expanded(fullsize);
I know how to do this with kernels:
template <typename T>
__global__ void AssignByIndex
T* inval,
T* outval,
size_t* keys,
int Ilength
int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (index < Ilength)
const size_t key = keys[index];//cross access,slow
But 1) this feels like something that thrust can do easily and 2) this doesn't allow me to use fancy iterators. I think I'm just using an incorrect term in my search or am just simply not being creative enough.
This sounds like a typical scatter operation. Thrust has a scatter function that lets you do something like this:
thrust::scatter(values.begin(), values.end(), indexes.begin(), expanded.begin());
This will scatter values
into the indices of expanded