I'm working on a multi-tenant application, so pretty much everything throughout (starting with routing) expects to have a "request.host" that looks like "tenant_id.myapp.com".
I'm trying to run a controller action from the Rails console, but I haven't been able to figure this one out.
The easiest thing to do seems to be "app.get", but I can't figure out how to set the host.
I also saw an answer that mentions using "ActionController::TestProcess", which as far as I understand has been removed from Rails (or if not, I haven't found how to include it)
Any other options?
I just verified it in my console(Pry)
# Send request with fake HTTP_HOST
>>app.get(app.root_path, nil, {"HTTP_HOST" => "123.myapp.com"})
# Then check if it works
>># "HTTP_HOST" : "123.myapp.com"