I am new to iOS and I am developing my first app for the App store.
I now have to generate my .ipa file using archive options from organizer. I am selecting iOS devices at run tab and used the archive option but it is showing the following error:
"The identity 'iPhone Distribution' doesn't match any valid, non-expired certificate/private key pair in your key chains"
I am not attaching my device to Xcode. I want to create .ipa file for sending it to one of my friends for testing using his iPhone.
A quick fix: on your Xcode project, look for a folder called "Products", and find your .app file there. You will need to create a folder called "Payload", and put the .app file inside that folder. Once you do this, you can compress the folder, and change the name to yourapp.ipa file. This will be a valid .ipa file signed with the provisioning credentials you used to compile the file.
Keep in mind that the proper way to set up this is to setup a schema for archive, in which you sign the app with the "release" settings, and with a valid ad-hoc distribution profile. But for now, you can use the initial quick fix so you can send your friend the app.